Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Is Tawassul by means of the dead allowed?

The scholars have differed in regards to if Tawassul by means of a dead person is allowed or not.

Al-Subki from the Shaafi school of thought claims that there is an Ijmaa that it is permissible to perform Tawassul by means of a dead person. He accuses Ibn Taymiyyah of causing dissent among the people in regards to this matter. His claim for Ijmaa is not a sound one.

A second group of scholars is of the opinion that Tawassul by means of the dead is not permitted at all. Ibn Taymiyyah supports this view. He [paraphrase] says:

Tawassul by means of him [i.e. the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam)] by means of an oath upon Allah by means of his Dhaat and asking by means of it [as when one says 'I ask you Allah by the right of your Messenger upon you], then the Companions did not do this in his life or after his death, neither at his grave nor away from his grave. And neither is any of this recognized in the evidences of Islamic legislation between them. Only weak Hadith have been narrated which have been used as evidence. Or narrations have been narrated from those whose sayings cannot be accepted as evidence. And Abu Hanifah and his companions were of the view that Tawassul in this manner was not permitted when they said one is not to ask by means of the creation, and nor should one say 'I ask You by the right of your Prophets upon you.'

A third opinion is that Tawassul is only permitted by means of the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and no one else. This is the view of Abu Muhammad 'izz Al-Deen ibn Abd Al-Salaam.

Finally, another opinion is that one can perform Tawassul by means of the dead so long as one firmly believes that the One who harms and benefits is only Allah. It has been said that Imaam Al-Shawkaani adopted this view.

Thus, it is evident that there is a difference of opinion between the scholars. It is best to err on the side of caution and not perform Tawassul by means of those who are not living. One can perform Tawassul by means of ones deeds and Allah's Names. There is no difference of opinion on this. It is always best to avoid a difference of opinion when possible.


The Madhab of the scholars in regards to Tawassul by the Messenger of Allah after his having left this world

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